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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Will u marry me 2010


Hi, I'm KK. Welcome here.

I plan to propose with my girlfriend, and trying to get a very special way to leave her an unforgettable memory.

I gained inspiration from news by collecting one million well wishes via cyberspace to propose to my girlfriend by 27 January 2010. So it should be the most unforgettable memories by blessings from the world.

Therefore, I sincerely hope you will be able to leave a blessing message. Just click the comments, write words of blessing, I urged visitors to leave your well wishes, even a short line will do, adding that these were very important to me.

Thank you very much. (Please let me know your email address as well)

I’ll post a short video clip after collected one million wishes.

There are a lot of people say why not put some photos in the blog, so as to prove good faith. I thanked your recommendations, but I’m going to give my girlfriend a special surprise, so I cannot let her know before mission complete.

Therefore, I have to insist not to put photos in blog.





*我将在筹集的一百万个祝福后,放映一个预录的片段。* 有很多人说为什么不放一些照片,这样才能证明有诚意。我在此谢过你们的建议,但是为了不让我的女朋友在筹集完成前看到,而失去惊喜地原意。所以我还是坚持不放照片。

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